When I reflect on these weeks and time with my babies, I am more and more amazed at God’s blessings on me. In the moments, it often feels like chaos, but really, my life with them is so full of joy and moments that you just can’t put a price on. I am trying to learn to enjoy these blessings more in the moment. After seeing a reference made by a friend on Instagram, I was intrigued to find out more about the book One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp. To my surprise, I saw the book at my mom’s house last night. It had been gifted to her, but she hasn’t had time to read it yet. I brought it home and started it in the tub during my daily 10 minutes of ME time. After chapter one, I am thinking that this book will really be good for me! I do not take time for reading for myself these days, but it just feels like this will be worth it.
Rea’s art from TC “Springtime Cottontails”
I love finding lined up toys at the bathtub.
Reagan’s writing/drawing.
“I have a stuffed animal. It is a dog. It is really cute. It has crazy hair.”
When you’re in Kindergarden, The Netherlands can sometimes be confused with “Neverland”. haha
LaFollette Library books-
Dogs nap together on a sunny spring day-
We started using another education learning website. She is doing the 1st grade curriculum and handling quite well. Time4Learning.com
And this is why you should only have cordless phones in a house full of kids! I was standing right with him when he did this and of course, quickly took it off. But, this is TOTALLY something he would do. (It wasn’t wrapped nearly as tight as it looks in the picture!)
More space books from The Caryville Public Library-
Learning how astronauts use the bathroom is space was fascinating for Reagan- haha
Another trip to the Ponderosa Zoo-
My little photographer-
I had to leave my mom’s house to run over to our house to grab something. This happened right after I told the kids, “I’ll be right back.”
You see, they can be a little dramatic sometimes. “Don’t go, Mom!”
My growing Tucker boy-
Shopping at the mall with Emmy-
Making a birthday card for Gran-
Here’s Brycen getting the “Don’t leave!” treatment-
I had Daniel make them a spaceship out of cardboard. They were really excited about it.
Getting ready for a Sunday picnic at Gran’s-
Rea used her Solar System displays to do a presentation for the family after Sunday dinner on what she had learned. She did really good, I thought.
Turn blog music off on right sidebar before playing video-
Max was excited about getting pull ups-
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