As promised, a trip to the Ponderosa for good behavior at their Easter Portrait Session– (also our first trip in the near year)
The Solar System study continued—- I was surprised when I found out by reading one of Reagan’s library books to her that there are only 8 planets now! Pluto is not counted at #9, anymore. It is only considered a dwarf planet! Haha! Who knew? Now I can have the pleasure of finally saying, “When I was your age…….” (there were 9 planets!)
Us girls decided one night that we were going to sleep in swimsuits instead of pjs! Max literally joined us.
Emmy at her home away from home.
Reagan doing jumping jacks in her PE class! She is the third one in the pink shirt/pants. I am glad that even though she is home schooled, she still gets to have some experiences like doing jumping jacks in an old gym!
Trying on chopsticks for size and discovering that she loved PF Changs! (one of my favs!)
The girls at their first baseball practice of the season (Emmy’s 1st ever) …. It was super duper cold.
A couple shots of randomness and awesomeness slapped right together by none other than Emelia Carter….
Rea sorting “ab” and “ad” family words-
We had a Saturday night at Pizza Hut and THE MOVIES in LaFollette. Max had to wear some baseball gear. I have learned to pick my battles-
A Sunday spread at Gran’s- (Yum!)
Tucker boy- cuddly boy, he is!
Some of Rea’s writings from the month-
“I like dogs. They are cool. I like dogs.”
“Tucker and Dixie- they had puppies. I love you. I love you, too. Dixie and Tucker.”
“A day at the beach. I saw a duck.”
She worked on this one for a few days.
“One day a unicorn went to the zoo. “Wow, the zoo is cool.” They had animals. She said, “I don’t know which animal to pet first. First, I will pet the seal. Now, I will pet the horse. Now, I will pet the zebra. Now, I will pet the cat.”
“I love you. You love me. We are happy as can be.” (real original, right!? haha)
We talked about and made craters with flour and a marble.
She created a display on the planets. We checked out a book on each planet from the LaFollette Public Library. She drew a picture and shared some interesting facts.
They planted sunflower seeds at Gran’s house.
We weren’t able to make it to the Light the Night for Kate event, but we still supported from home. I shared Kate’s story with the girls. I tried to explain to them what cancer was. It was incredibly hard for me to tell them. Maybe I shouldn’t have. I don’t know. It is hard to tell them the horrible truths about things that happen in our world (cancer, sickness, drugs, crime, etc.). They are just so pure and innocent. Their world isn’t one that has all that “stuff”. They were both literally moved to tears by Kate’s story. Even days and days after that night, every green bow in town was noticed by their little eyes.
And finally, Rea’s art from TC- “Metallic Fish”
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