I am becoming a pro at planning birthday parties in 10 days or less! I wanted to do a Peter Pan/Captain Hook theme since Max had recently been enjoying the dvd Return to Neverland so much. I couldn’t find anything easy for the theme. Of course, I had to pick something complicated! I found a few things through the Disney website and Oriental Trading so it all worked out really nicely. Max had a great time so I’d say that = success!
Hmmmm, a snapshot of Max at 3 years old-
Fav Food- Hot dogs, pizza, grilled cheese, Funyuns, watermelon
Fav Person- Me, of course! ;P Daddy, And Papaw & Gran. He calls Papaw & Gran’s house “home”. (“Let’s go home!” he’ll say.)
Fav Friends- Reagan, Emmy, Roston, Brycen, & Dylan
Enjoys- being outside, visiting the zoo, climbing, jumping on the trampoline, painting, driving the 4 wheeler at Gran & Papaw’s
Fav Tv Shows- Mickey Mouse, Jake & the Neverland Pirates, Strawberry Shortcake, Sophia the First
Fav Words – “Poop”, “Stinky Breath”, “Stop it dude!”
Sweet things- saying “I wuv you, mom.”, nose kisses, playing with my hair, when he wants me to carry him he says, “I kill you” (I carry you), he will say, “It’s me, Maxie!” (like we don’t know who he is!)
Development- Working on Potty Training (about there), talking a lot (you can understand about half of it), learning to communicate well through words, learning to recognize some letters, knows most shapes/colors; He gets into a lot of trouble, but seems to have more better days now.
He is as sweet as he is rotten. He has stretched me and really made me think about who I want to be as a mom. I love him ALWAYS. My baby boy “Maxie”.
And a video full of random birthday footage-
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