We started off this week by going to The LaFollette Public Libary’s storytime. We have gone to Caryville’s storytime several times (which is wonderful, by the way), but thought we’d try LaFollette’s since it is more convenient. We love both libraries and visit them weekly! The girls enjoyed getting lost in crafting and creating things.
It happened to be Earth Day so I colored this while they crafted. I was also thankful that the storytime lady talked about Earth Day a little bit since I didn’t plan anything. (oops!)
I braved up and took the kids to the zoo again by myself! You might as well call me Super Mom! haha
Our hands-down favorite part of the day was some up close interactions with the baby chimpanzee George.
He pressed his mouth (full of food) against the glass for a funny face. You should have heard the laughter erupt in that moment. It was priceless.
He held the pose for me to get a shot.
And a smile-
After some playtime, he went up and began to nurse! We didn’t even know it was his mom or that he was still young enough to be nursing. It was incredibly sweet and funny altogether. The mother kissed him and groomed him while he nearly nursed himself to sleep. I’m not sure that we will ever witness anything as cool as that was ever again at the zoo. Lucky us!
Rea playing vet! The “Wee Play Zoo” is awesome for open-ended, hands-on play!
A nice evening outside at Gran & Papaw’s riding-
Meanwhile…..Reagan was enjoying some cake batter-
Online spelling test (super cool at readingeggs.com)
Me trying to figure out what curriculum I want to use with Reagan for 1st grade next year! You would never realize how many choices are out there until you start researching! I’m still not completely decided, but feel like I’m almost there…
Slowly, but surely enjoying my time reading One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp-
I found a new, fun way to help Reagan lean her blends/chunks on Pinterest. I say the sound and she throws the ball at it. She loved it.
2 kids + 2 dogs = 4 bodies altogether in the spaceship (now that’s some math!)
One things that I’ve done with Reagan to practice sight words is using this spiral bound index card book. Each card has a word. If she gets it right, she gets to add a sticker. She mastered her first book of words so we just started another one a few weeks ago. We might do this once a week. She almost knows all the 2nd list now!
One afternoon, she passed this note to me during homeschool. She said, “Mom, this is for you.”
Wow. I didn’t know whether to be offended or proud. haha
Bedtime reading-
We got each of Reagan’s teachers a fabulous cupcake from The Cup for teacher’s appreciation day! Yum. Best cupcakes EVER. These are the ones we picked out for us.
A little lipstick and blush application before we go in at the zoo-
“Hey, Mom! Take my picture!” (She’s starting to enjoy seeking out her own photo locations!)
After having this rental car that we named “The Red Tomato”, we sadly had to return it for my explorer. The girls were sad to let it go.
The Legals’ 1st win!
Who knew the trampoline made for such good pictures?!
Reagan doing some language arts on the trampline. LOTS of distractions as you can see.
Reading on the porch swing-
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