“The Beach”, part 2


My in-laws’ beautiful beach house-

Our view from lunch…

Reagan goes after Max and brings him back against his will! haha!

Max’s hair was awesome at the beach!  (Yes, that’s a PINK passy.)

And here we go…

This was really our only big sand creation while we were at the beach.  Reagan was all about building a bridge!!

I crack up at this because only a photographer’s kid would randomly turn to kiss for a pose!

A family shot…

When we were leaving, I took one last look to make sure that we hadn’t left anything behind.  I then noticed all the footprints from where we had played all day.  Love!

Busy Beach Days make for good sleep!


The girls were so eager to try out their new goggles!

Here’s Max having a chocolate milk bottle break.


Leaving after a fun day at the pool-

One thing I love about Sea Brook Island is the beautiful trees.  This picture really doesn’t do them justice.

Max swiped a broken, unclaimed toy from the pool.  (Shhhh!)

This isn’t the best quality, but what a funny sight to see when you walk down the hallway.

We had fun playing in the backyard on this swiveling see saw!

Here’s a video of the kids on the see saw.  Make sure you turn the music off on the right sidebar of the site before  you watch.

I don’t know a lot about golf, but it looks like Max is a natural to me!

We went on a bike ride from the house to the playground.  It was sooooo fun!  I have a reputation for not being able to ride a bike, but I actually did without any wrecks!

Emmy swinging on the playground…

That evening we went to watch “The Smurfs” for movie night on the lawn at Freshfield’s.  It was a neat experience.

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“The Beach”, part one

Oh my, I have several pictures to share from our vacation.   I decided it would be good for me to break them up into at least two posts!

We visited Sea Brook Island, SC a couple weeks ago where my in-laws have a home.  We have vacationed there for a few years now and have always enjoy our visits.  It is a lovely place for families who want a quiet, relaxed family get-away.

We always travel at night so the kids will sleep.  Max was sleeping sweetly here, but he actually stayed awake for a good portion of the trip.  They were all very good for the trip down.


Here we are on our first day getting to the beach club.  I had to capture “the cart”- such a huge part of our beach trips since we had three children! haha

We had really nice weather the entire trip.  Here’s Rea with her shades and water bottle sprayer.  She just “HAD” to have that thing when we went to Disney.  It has come in handy since then, thankfully.

Here’s Daniel’s brother Wes guiding the kids on a “boat ride”.  The kids enjoyed having some playtime with their cousins.

Emmy wrote her name in the sand-

The beach is one of the few places that it is okay to make a mess.  🙂

Reagan was super proud of this string of seashells she found!

We ended the day by eating at a place called Red’s Ice house.  We enjoyed it and the kids did, too!  I think this is the only night that we actually ate out.  We did carry out a lot.  That is the way to go with small children! haha

We ate Marble Slab everyday!  Yikes.  Here’s Max trying really hard to get a drink of water.  Could someone please tell me why my children have always been fascinated with water fountains?

And a fun picture of Emmy and I in front of the biggest mirror I have ever seen in a house…

That’s a wrap on DAY ONE!

Here’s Emmy on DAY TWO.  She was super excited to be arriving at the beach club again.

Emmy loved her little cousin Addy!

Time for lunch at the Pelican’s Nest at the beach club!  We love eating here.

Not as much action or pictures on DAY TWO because we had to come in early to nap so that everyone would be rested and happy for our family pictures!!  I think they went well, by the way.  I haven’t seen them yet, but I will share when I get them.

On an island, on an island!

Seeing what it felt like to have four kids in my lap…..  Nice, but not THAT nice! haha


There was an arcade at the beach club that the kids really enjoyed everyday.  It was a nice break to go and enjoy some air conditioning, too!!

Beautiful scenery all around…

…and deer everywhere!

Uncle Wes & Aunt Miranda cooked dinner for everybody.  It was wonderful!  Reagan enjoyed setting the table.

The kids LOVE going on the elevator in the house.  Max looked like he was in jail here!


This year for the first time, the kids preferred swimming at the pool over being on the beach.  This day we went to the property owner’s pool.  The kids loved having more space to swim.

With three children (5&under), there isn’t a lot of relaxing by the pool going to happen! haha  I think I stayed in the water with them every minute they were in.

Max was so tired from our day at the pool, he collapsed in the floor straight out of the tub and went right to sleep!!

Sweet boy.

The steps were another favorite hangout spot for him.


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