Our Spring Break was sort of dictated by Thursday Connection’s schedule. We didn’t really take a big official break or trip, but we did tie in some special Easter activities into our routine. I was able to take some days off from work to have extra special time with them.
A good old coloring sheet- something you don’t see too much, anymore. I colored one, too. It was fun!
We painted suns (continued solar system study).
At our salon bright and early to get haircuts just in time for Easter…
Lunch at one of our favorite local spots- Rickard Ridge
We counted, sorted, and graphed jelly beans. They loved it-
Some Easter dvds we watched-
We made Ressurection Rolls. For those who are not familiar- you are able to teach the Easter story to kids through the recipe. They really enjoyed the activity.
The marshmallow represented Jesus. After Jesus died on the cross, his friends prepared him to be buried by anointing him with oil (dipping the marshmallow in butter) and spices (rolling it in cinnamon and sugar). Then Jesus was placed in his grave clothes (the crescent roll) and wrapped up tight.
At this point, you put the rolls on the baking sheet and place them in the tomb (oven) and seal the tomb with a big rock (the oven door).
In the oven the marshmallow melts and blends with the cinnamon sugar, making it appear like the marshmallow has disappeared. When you remove the rolls and allow them to cool, you can let your kids open them up to reveal that Jesus is gone! He is risen! Jesus is alive!
A day with Kay Kay in Knoxville- pedicures for Easter.
Flowers for Gran’s Easter dinner-
I boiled eggs and baked cookies at the same time. Whoa.
Dixie in her “cage”.
Our sparkly Easter eggs…… I will stick to plain dye next year. haha
I took the kids up the Stanfield Church of God Egg Hunt. We had wanted to go for years so we finally got the chance. The kid enjoyed all the festivities and the wonderful drama. It was a day well spent. (exhausting, but fun!)
The Easter bunny cake is a long-standing tradition at Gran’s house-
More painting fun-
Reagan wrapped up her planet display by painting styro-foam balls for a hands-on demonstration-
Easter morning- I did not make a big deal about the Easter bunny bringing baskets this year. They still got some goodies, but we did not really give EB the credit.
We had rainy weather for Easter Sunday so the kids drew out prize eggs instead of hunting.
Rea trying to peek-
I thought I took a picture, but couldn’t find it. My Uncle Lynn was our annual egg bonking touney champ! He has a real talent for egg bonking in case you never knew. haha
Also, cousin Roston had his first piano recital at Easter Sunday dinner. We’re proud of his dedication to learn and love his fab teacher, too.
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