Week 4, Nursery Rhymes

This was a short week for us because we left on Thursday night for the beach.  So once you take out one day for Thursday Connection and half a day for the library program/animal shelter, we had about 2.5 days worth home school activities left to do at home.

Here they are at the Caryville Public Library working on a post-story time activity.

Rea’s trip to the shelter was fun this week.  There were two new litters of pups so she, of course, was drawn to them especially.  We got to help someone take pictures of one litter of the puppies for a rescue website.  That was fun!

And we loved this cat!  It was beautiful and so calm.  I was pretty close to talking myself into bringing it home to live in the backyard, but then I snapped back to reality.  haha  But this was a sweet kitty- probably one of my favorites since we’ve been visiting the shelter.

Everytime that I upload my iphone pictures to my computer, it is a treat to see the random shots that the kids have taken that I didn’t know about.  Here’s one I found that I assume Emmy took.  Reagan and I were working on the daily message.

The girls worked on a letter to Aunt Kay!

Here’s Reagan doing a word sort (the, they, this, that).  She likes doing these!  She has had a little trouble when reading sight words distinguishing quickly between these words so I thought this might help give her some extra practice.  Oh yeah, see the tornado that swept though in the background.  People often ask what Emmy and Max do during home school.  Here is a good clue!!

I found the neatest printable nursery rhyme pages at this website – Kindergarten Nana.  She has lots of neat ideas and activities on her blog.  We just filled in Reagan’s name and pasted her picture on every little open face.  It was great!!  Emmy made one, too.

Humpty Dumpty illustrated through construction paper-

Here’s the stories we read throughout this week!  Even though they haven’t always made a lot of sense to me (haha), Reagan has always enjoyed listening to nursery rhymes.  They are quick, easy reads and the rhyming makes it more enjoyable.

And here’s one the last rhymes we read of the week!  (made me sad!!)

Here she is enjoying her lunchtime in the cafeteria at Thursday Connection.  I had to volunteer on campus that day so I enjoyed being able to sneak and check on her.

And finally, her art piece from the week- “Circle Circus”


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