Week 17, Emmy’s 4th Birthday

 These pictures are from 11/26/12 to 12/2/12 .

With my work, Thanksgiving, Christmas, the girls’ birthdays, two weeks of the FLU in our house, and everything else we had going on, you can imagine the chaos that was taking place around this time.  I decided to slow our home school activities (start our Christmas break early) so we could not go completely crazy.

Nutella/Strawberry Sandwiches




We transformed our “fall tree” to a “Christmas tree”!


Rea’s self portrait after applying her own make up!  Pretty good, I think!


Driving around town to see Christmas lights with Papaw & Gran.


Max in time out—- a rather common sight these days.



The day our elves came!


Pictured left to right-

Christmas Tree (Emmy’s elf- she applied some mascara to her face last year)

Mr. Elf (Max’s elf)

Snowflake (Rea’s elf)


This day, Daddy was in charge of the elves’ antics.  I’m not sure it was a success.


Rea and I shared a hot chocolate from the concession stand while she was on her break at Thursday Connection.


Rea’s art from the week- “Angels”

art angel


Supper at Gran’s before church on Friday night.


Of course, Emmy wanted a Hello Kitty birthday party!

bday invite

Here’s some shots that I took of her to get a picture for her invitation. (wearing Polkadaisies!)


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On Emmy’s birthday, the elves had decorated accordingly!  Unfortunately, I came down with the flu just in time for her birthday.  I was the sickest that I can remember being in a very long time.  I wanted to just re-schedule the party, but who could rain on Emmy’s Hello Kitty parade!?!  Not me.  I pulled myself together the best I could and made it happen!  That’s a mom for ya!


I just thought that Sponge Bob balloon at Food City was expensive.  This one, however, was worth every penny.












Max in time-out at the party.  Poor guy.


Going through all her gifts-



Daniel took the kids to the Christmas Parade in town.  (I was home in bed!)





The girls spent the night at Gran’s and Papaw’s so mommy could rest.  Their elves followed them there and tried to use Emmy’s new Easy Bake Oven!


Maxie man stayed with me.  He never left my side while I was sick.  He loves me so much!


Emmy with her triplets.  She named them Emily, Alise, and Whiney Butt.  She said that one just won’t stop crying.



Here’s a video of Max trying to get the star off the top of our Christmas tree.  He would get a running start and stop and jump as high as he could like was actually going to reach the star.  He said, “OH MAN!” like was disappointed he didn’t reach it.  I got him to do it again for video, thankfully.  It was pretty funny to watch.  He would say, “Get dat star back!”  Reagan just watched him and cackled!  She then followed to say that our family is so funny that people would probably like to watch us on tv.

(Turn blog music off on right sidebar before playing video.)

Here’s a clip from Emmy’s 4th Birthday Party!

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Happy 1st Birthday Dixie!

After we lost our two weimaraners Gracie and Shelby, we decided that it would be the perfect time to get the kids a new weim pup for Christmas.  I found a breeder in Kentucky so we went up after the pups were ready to pick our girl out!  Here’s the litter that we picked from.  I’m not even sure which one is actually her because they looked so much alike!


Our girl!  We left her behind to have some more time with her mom Joelean and littermates.


Daniel drove up just a few days before Christmas after he got off work to pick her up.  When he got home with her it was early in the morning.  We didn’t want to have to try to hide her so we just got the kids out of bed to open their big surprise present.  They were quite tickled!  (Turn blog music off on right sidebar before playing video.)

1st time holding Dixie-

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After the excitement died down, the kids went back to bed for a while.  Dixie settled right in with them.

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Here’s lots of pictures from her 1st year.  She is a beautiful girl.  She is well-behaved for her age and good with the kids.  We adore her.

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This particular night, Reagan sang Dixie to sleep because she thought she might be missing her mommy.IMG_0517

Here she is at Gran and Papaw’s for Christmas Eve.

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Christmas morning, she had lots of action to watch!

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Her “newborn session” at my studio!  Ha!  She was more cooperative than some babies I photograph.

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Learning bad habits already…


Bathtime- we started out giving her baths with the kids in the tub.  She is such a big girl now, but we STILL get in the tub with her.


She had lots of naps in my lap while I worked at my computer.

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Her 1st snow-

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Her Valentine’s Day outfit-

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rea and dix two reagan and dix

Dixie’s birthday was actually November 2nd (2011), but she celebrated on Reagan’s birthday with her- Nov. 13th.



invite front



Here we are singing Happy Birthday to her at the party!  She enjoyed her birthday cookie!

(Turn blog music off on right sidebar before playing video.)

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Week 12, All Things Fall cont.

We did a lot of hands-on, outdoor learning this week!  I guess this is one of the benefits of homeschool- lots of nature walks, zoo visits, etc.!  The weather was just too awesome not to be outside having fun.

(4th week of Oct.)

The girls collected ALOT of acorns at Gran & Papaw’s house…

…and climbed a few trees while they were at it!

Emmy has the craziest morning hair!

Emmy dressed herself for Tuesday storytime!

We checked this book out at the library and read it at the park.  The book actually talked about tracking geese as they migrate each year. Cove Lake Park always has some geese hanging around.  Reagan was able to see and understand how they tag the geese and track their migration.

We went for a rather long walk.  We collected more leaves, observed “fungi” growing, checked out how some logs were rotting, checked out root systems on trees…..  lots of topics!

She thought these leaves looked like elephant ears.

Aunt Kay Kay tagged along for our Rickard Ridge Baked Potato and walk at the park!  It was a GORGEOUS day.

A beaver dam-  (seeing this was extra cook because we had just read a book on animal homes)


Emmy and Reagan had brought a caterpillar from home along on our Tuesday adventures.  Poor thing-  I don’t know how many times they dropped their bug cage, but it was probably enough to do a little caterpillar in!

Emmy got tired and also fell on our way out of the woods loop.  Aunt Kay Kay got suckered into carrying her the rest of the way out.  Only Aunt Kay Kay!

Dinner at Charley’s Pizza!  Anyone who has kids knows that eating at Charley’s isn’t actually about the pizza-

I had had a package come in the mail.  Max, of course, loved the cardboard box.  This is him literally in the middle of the night.  He actually woke up and walked through the house in the dark until he found the box.  I had to carry it back to bed for him, and he went back to sleep.  I’m telling you this kid is sometimes weird.  haha

A mid-week trip to the Ponderosa Zoo!

Here’s a couple videos from the zoo trip-  (turn blog music off before playing videos)

Aunt Kay Kay tagged along for Thursday Connection.  Here’s Emmy enjoying a piece of pizza for her breakfast!

Rea’s art-

Playing & waiting for Rea to get out of class-

A trip to Chuck E. Cheese-

We took the dogs to the LaFollette City Park for a quick family outing.  You can see the stamp from Emmy’s gymnastics class on her nose!

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Max’s 2 Year Portraits

Here’s a few of my favorites of Max’s 2 year mini session with mommy (July 2012)!  Poor guy can’t even get a regular session on the books these days! hehe  I loved this little outfit and wanted it for his pictures.  He hasn’t worn it anywhere else because it is white linen and he is a two year old boy.  (the two just don’t mix!)

He is mommy’s baby and he knows it.  He’s living it up in his terrible twos.  When he’s sweet, he is soooo sweet…..and when he’s bad, well, he’s pretty darn bad.

I will always treasure these because of his little curls.  My baby boy’s curls and sweet, sweet smile.  Love him.

At two, he loves to carry random objects for varying lengths of time (sometimes days).  Some of these items include- kitchen utensils, vacuum attachments, balls, large inflatable microphones, a notebook with crayon, etc.  Out of all of these, though, his main security object is my hair! He has always loved my hair and likes to hold onto it.  Even at night while he is sleeping, he will reach for my hair.  He also likes getting a bed time “ba ba” (bottle).  He usually gets one during church, too, to help keep him quiet.  He has not been using a passy for a couple weeks now, and I think it has been a tough adjustment for him.  He has seemed less settled, harder to calm, and more restless to me.

He calls me “Monee” (m-on-ee).  He can say “Daaaaaaa”  (day), “Mimee” (mim-eee), and “Rea Rea”!  He is talking a lot and saying lots of phrases like “thank you”, “where’d it go?”, “there it is”, and “what we gonna do?”.

He is working towards potty training.  For about six months now, he had been going ‘pee pee’ in the potty about twice a day.  Now that he is communicating better, I think it will be time to really focus more on training before long.

He loves being active- running, riding, climbing, throwing, kicking, etc.  He enjoys painting, knocking down towers, looking at books with mommy, playing in sand, and harassing his sisters.  Some of his favorite movies are “Barney Egg”, “Rapunzel”, and “Clue Clue’s”.

He likes to eat hot dog weiners (his favorite), jello, strawberries with sugar, watermelon, Gran’s mashed potatoes, mac ‘n cheese, spaghetti, and tacos.

Ironically, he’s into hitting/pinching/biting but also gives really sweet kisses with big, pooched out lips.

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